Indivara Group Accelerates Towards New Heights: Bali Kick-Off Meeting Ignites Passion and Collaboration

Under the sun-drenched skies of Bali, the spirit of Indivara Group surged forward! Last month, leaders from 11 subsidiaries gathered for our annual kick-off meeting, united by the theme: “One Standard, One Spirit, To Be Number One.”

This wasn’t just a meeting; it was an infusion of inspiration and collaboration. Pak Jusuf Sjariffudin, our CEO delivered a powerful message, igniting a spark of shared purpose within each leader. He emphasized the crucial role of standardization across all subsidiaries, from financial practices to project management and pricing. This unified approach, he declared, will be the foundation for our collective success.

But success isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about harnessing the collective power of our diverse teams. Pak Jusuf emphasized the vital importance of collaboration – not just within teams, but across all business units, bridging borders between Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines.

The energy was electric! Product leaders presented their ambitious plans and strategies, igniting a collective fire in every leader’s heart. Team-building activities and workshops further fueled this spirit, fostering creativity and forging bonds that transcend geographical boundaries.

The culmination of this electrifying journey? A powerful commitment from each subsidiary leader. Pledging their unwavering dedication to achieving our ambitious goals for 2024, they stood together, united by a shared vision and fueled by the spirit of collaboration.

This wasn’t just a kick-off meeting; it was a launchpad for greatness. The leaders returned from Bali not just inspired, but empowered. They are now equipped with the tools, the spirit, and the unwavering commitment to propel Indivara Group to the top of the industry. We are one team, united by one spirit, and together, we will be number one!