JAKARTA, April, 2018 – Indivara Group, one of the largest technology investment holding company in South East Asia which focuses on consulting/software development and platform business, today announced the launch of its inaugural college scholarship program. Indivara Group Scholarship Program, which is accepting its initial round of applications until April 18, 2018. This program is addressed for Indivara Group families or relatives. The selected candidate will get a full scholarship in Pradita Institute. This is one of the partnership program between Indivara Group and Pradita Insitute which launched last year.
“Indivara Group employees are full with hardworking and dedicated person. This is the one of our employee benefit program and the first program that we create for employees’ families and relatives. So, while working in this company our employees could also support their family to achieve higher education,” said Ketut Adi Yogiswara, Group Head of Marketing Communications and Channel of Indivara Group. “Through the launch of Indivara Group Scholarship Program, we are thrilled to support our employees family member in their educational and future career.”
Indivara Group Scholarship Program gives a full scholarship to Indivara Group employees’ family member to pursue bachelor degree for several majors in Pradita Institute and after they graduated they will have a chance to be working in Summarecon Group, one of the largest group of companies in Indonesia.
About Pradita Institute
Pradita Institute is a university which develop on the concept of Enterprise University, which is a higher education curriculum whose curriculum is based on a repository of knowledge, experience, competence, and industry best practices.
Founded by the Summarecon Group and its business partners, the Pradita Institute has a distinct uniqueness in the design, development, implementation and development of an integrated and integrated modern city.