Indivara and OK OCE Launch Pasar OK OCE Apps To Enable Indonesian UMKM Take Advantage of Digitalization

Pasar OK OCE

Jakarta, 12 December 2022

Indivara Group one of the largest technology investment holding companies in ASEAN together with OK OCE one of the largest Indonesian NGOs which focused on encouraging the creation of new entrepreneurs by building entrepreneurship centers at the sub-district level launched PASAR OK OCE.

PASAR OK OCE is an application that enables MSME(UMKM) to increase their revenue by providing them access to more affordable raw materials with flexible terms of payment.

At the launching event, OK OCE founder who is also Indonesia’s Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno said, “Congratulation OK OCE, you are agents of change. Success created 1.4 million jobs in six years. So, let’s be enthusiastic about continuing to help the Indonesian government by opening new jobs to improve the people’s economy”.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of OK OCE, Iim Rusyamsi, expressed his hope to PASAR OK OCE that hopefully, this app could become another “silahturahmi” channel for OK OCE movers, which in the end is expected to become another source of income.

Indra Uno, Chairman of The Advisory Board and Founder of OK OCE, in his remarks appreciated the presence of the OK OCE Market. This is a collaboration in increasing job creation.

Meanwhile, President and Group CEO of Indivara Group, Jusuf Syariffudin, said, “OK OCE’s vision and mission touch my heart, therefore I am honored and happy to work with OK OCE. Hopefully, all of us movers and MSMEs can gain more profit.”

Jusuf also added, many MSMEs are not digitally literate, therefore it is necessary to add millennial resources which could support MSMEs to be digitally literate by making many of their businesses online.

Prior to the launch event, a talk show was held which discussed economic predictions for 2023. This is important for the preparation of business actors.

In the discussion, Jusuf said, “If we enter 2023, but we are unlucky at the moment of war, high inflation occurred, I think we need to provide assistance and education so that MSMEs have solid business capital and infrastructure. Broadly speaking 2023 will be more difficult, but we have to face it.”

Pasar OK OCE application could also provide MSMEs access to additional funding.