Jakarta, June 2018, The online mutual funds platform Invisee develops Zakat Mutual Fund features. The development of the feature is done in cooperation with National Amil Zakat Board (Baznas) and PT Insight Investment Management (Insight IM).
The three parties have agreed to immediately build a zakat-cutting feature on Sharia mutual fund product that will be launched in the near future. “With this feature, later, investors can order syariah mutual funds as well as tithe easily through Invisee mobile application and website,” said Eri Primaria President Director of PT Nusantara Sejahtera Investama owner of Invisee.
The product launching ceremony was took place at At-Taqwa Mosque, Jakarta.
This product, is expected to increase choices for Indonesian Muslims to invest accordance with the principles of sharia, as well as ease in distributing zakat and alms. “With this new product in the Invisee application, Muslim investors can make investments as well as fulfill their zakat obligations very easily,” added Eri.
As a first step of cooperation between the three parties, Invisee introduced the #ZakatReksadana hashtags. This hashtags is aim to make people more familiar before the new sharia mutual fund product is officially launched.